1) I have a puppy. This is ... puppy.  a) my b) his c) her 2) You have a kite. This is ... kite.  a) its b) their c) your 3) Fahad has a pen. This is ... pen.  a) her b) his c) its 4) Sarah has a car. This is ... car.  a) your b) his c) her 5) The dog has a ball. This is ... ball.  a) its b) his c) their 6) We have a garden. This is ... garden.  a) their b) your c) our 7) You have a book. This is ... book.  a) your b) my c) your 8) They have a cat. This is ... cat.  a) our b) my c) their 9) They're sisters. ...... names are Sarah and Nourah a) Her b) Their c) Your 10) He's Ali’s father. ...... name is Julius. a) Your b) Her c) His 11) This is a new pen. ....... color is green a) Its b) His c) Your 12) She is a teacher. ......... name is Cyndi Lauper a) Your b) His c) Its d) Her 13) It's a comedy show. ........ name is Shabab Albomb a) Its b) Your c) His 14) This is my book. It’s…….. a) mine b) theirs c) hers 15) Her hat is red. It’s……. a) hers b) his c) ours 16) His car is yellow. It’s…….. a) mine b) yours c) his 17) This is our house. It’s…….. a) ours b) hers c) theirs

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