1) whats is torah shebiksav a) written torah b) torah by heart c) both torahs 2) there are 3 parts in torah sebiksav a) yes b) no c) maybe 3) name for torah shebiksav a) tenach b) terach c) tevach 4) where are all 613 mitzvos from a) chumash b) mishnayos c) hayom yom 5) what is torah shebal peh a) torah by heart b) written torah c) both torahs 6) when was torah shbal peh given a) by matan torah b) 2 weeks ago wednsday c) last year shevous 7) is chumash part of torah bal peh a) no b) yes c) sometimes 8) what is the name of first sefer of torah shebal peh  a) mishnayos b) gemara c) navi 9) what does mishnah do a) explain the mitzvos b) tells you tzadikim names c) intresting stories 10) how did they learn mishnayos before it was written a) they didnt b) by heart c) wrote it down 11) who put together the mishnayos a) rebbi eliezer b) rebbi gamliel c) rebbi yehuda hanasi 12) why did he write it down if its not allowed a) cuase he liked writing seforim b) he saw people where forgetting it c) he was into having alot of seforim 13) what is tana kama a) first tanah of mishnah b) last tanah c) middle tanah 14) how many sections are in mishnayos a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 15) what does seder zeraim talk about a) brachos and foods - plants b) yom tov c) shabbas 16) what is machlokes a) argument as they like arguing b) desagreement as everyone learnt difrent -many ways to learn torah c) fight 17) how do i know there is a machlokes a) if the next word is the tanahs name and oimer b) if they are both the same names c) if they are difrent names 18) how many mishnayos are in perek vov a) 6 b) 8 c) 5

mishnayos 3rd grade skills

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