Cash in ____ These days in the USA, around 60% of all university students have a ____ job to help ____ for university, or simply to ____ some spending money. Students work ____ the evenings and ____ weekends. Their ____ ____ is $15 per hour. ALL KINDS OF JOBS ... Jobs such as ____ tables, making ____, cashier work and working in ____ service are always very popular. There are also some jobs ____ on university campuses, such as a ____ assistant or a teaching ____. CAMP COUNSELLORS During the summer holiday, a lot of university students choose to work at summer camps as camp ____. This way, they can spend time outdoors, organise sports and other activities, and have fun. There are many different kinds of camps, such as sports ____, language-learning camps, and technology camps. Counsellors get free ____ and they also earn a good ____. INTERNSHIPS For students who know what they want to do when they ____, a summer ____ is ideal. The job can often be ____ or even unpaid, but it's great ____ in the student's chosen profession. For example, medical students often work as lab or research assistants, ICT students work as computer lab assistants and law students work as ____ for a law firm. The company sometimes ____ the intern a job after they graduate.

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