1) When did the history of the guitar begin? a) in the 8th century b) in the 10th century c) in the 3rd century d) in the 4th century 2) How many strings does the guitar have? a) 10 b) 6 c) 4 d) 5 3) Where did the guitar first invented? a) Thailand b) Hawaii c) Spain d) USA 4) What special addition did the Moors make to the guitar? a) added a second string b) added a fourth string c) added a fifth string d) added a sixth string 5) What happened to the guitar during the renaissance period? a) the guitar got bigger b) the guitar got a modern look c) the guitar got colorful and smaller d) the guitar got a neon look 6) Who made the guitar even better in the 19th century? a) Antonio de Torres b) Antonio dela Torres c) Antonia de Torres d) Antonio de Luna 7) What were the 2 stringed instruments mentioned in the story that were like the guitar's distant cousins? a) piano and flute b) maracas and ukulele c) lyre and lute d) violin and piano 8) Which instrument is biggest? a) Ukulele b) Maracas c) Guitar d) triangle 9) Which instrument has strings that you can strum? a) Maracas b) Guitar c) Drums d) Tambourine 10) Which specific country does the history of guitar start? a) Manila b) Bangkok c) Al-Andalus d) Sydney

Guitar history

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