What does the traditional Full English Breakfast consist of?(Fried eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding, tomatoes, mushrooms, bread), What is the black pudding? (A kind of blood sausage), When can English breakfast be a good idea? (After the long night partying), What are the jacket potatoes? (Potatoes baked in their skins), When did fish and chips become popular? (In the 19th century), Name some of the nationalities that were mentioned. (French, Belgians, Portuguese, Spanish), If you order fish and chips in Wales it would probably go with …(Curry sauce or gravy), What is the name that is used for fish and chips in the shops? (Chippies), What are the faggots? (A kind of meatball), What is a patty? (Minced beef and mashed potatoes covered in batter and fried), Who started the tradition of Indian takeaway in Britain? (Indian and Bagladeshi immigrants who came to the country in the 1970s.), What is chicken tikka masala? (Roasted marinated chicken chunks in spiced curry sauce), What are Jellied eels? (Chunks of eel are boiled and then left to cool so the juices turn into a thick jelly.), Why aren’t Jellied eels popular anymore? (Eel is now a critically endangered species.), When was Queen Elizabeth II crowned? (In 1954), Why wasn't the coronation quiche accepted by the British people? (It is a French dish, and it is boring and outdated), What is the ancestor of Sarnies? (Toast sandwich).

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