Electromagnetic Spectrum - The complete range of all types of radiation that has both electric and magnetic fields and travels in waves., Frequency - a measurement of how often a recurring event such as a wave occurs in a measured amount of time., Wavelength - the distance between successive crests of a wave, Crest - the top of a wave, Trough - The lowest point, or valley, of a wave, amplitude - the distance between a crest or trough of a wave and line through the center of a wave, Rarefaction - component of a wave in which a medium's particles are further apart, Compression - a region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are closest together, Transverse - A type of wave in which the disturbance moves at right angles, or perpendicular, to the direction in which the wave travels, Longitudinal - A type of wave in which the disturbance moves in the same direction that the wave travels,

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