cut something ˈshort -make something end before the natural time; interrupt something: We’ll have to cut our stay short, I’m afraid. My husband’s father is seriously ill. ♢ Our conversation was cut short by the arrival of the teacher., doable - able to be done or completed :We’ve got to think first whether this plan is doable., contender - someone or something that is in competition with other people or things: Her album is a strong contender for the Album of the Year award., pitfall - a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity : He gave me advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of the legal process., wary - careful because you think something might be dangerous or harmful :I longed to ask questions but was wary of revealing my complete lack of local knowledge., talk through something -to discuss something thoroughly so that you are sure you understand it :Allow time to talk through any areas of difficulty..

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