1) Cuando mencionas algo que pasó ayer, en inglés se dice: a) Yesterday b) The day before today 2) Cuando mencionas algo que pasó anteayer, en inglés se dice a) Underyesterday b) The day before yesterday 3) Para I, She, He, It, usamos: a) Was b) Were 4) Para I, She, He, It en negativo, usamos: a) Was b) Were c) Wasn´t d) Weren´t 5) Para You, We, They, usamos: a) Was b) Were c) Wasn´t d) Weren´t 6) Para You, We, They en negativo, usamos: a) Was b) Were c) Wasn´t d) Weren´t 7) I Am, I ___ a) Was b) Were 8) You are, you ____ a) Was b) Were c) Did 9) We are, we ____ a) Was b) Were c) Did d) Didn´t 10) She is, she ___ a) Was b) Were c) Did d) Didn´t e) Yesterday 11) He is, he ___ a) Was b) Were c) Did d) Didn´t e) Yesterday f) The day before yesterday 12) They are, they ____ a) Was b) Were c) Did d) Didn´t e) Yesterday f) The day before yesterday 13) He was, he _______ a) Was b) Wasn´t c) Were d) Weren´t 14) They were, they _______ a) Was b) Wasn´t c) Were d) Weren´t 15) Para todos los pronombres usamos el verbo: a) Did b) Do c) Does d) Was e) Were f) Will 16) Para negativo usamos: a) Didn´t b) Don´t c) Doesn´t d) Wasn´t e) Weren´t f) Won´t 17) She ___ a) Did b) Does 18) They ______ a) Didn´t b) Don´t 19) I ___ at a poterry studio the day before yesterday, It ___ so much fun! a) Am b) Were c) Was d) Are e) Do f) Is 20) Some kids ____ absent in class yesterday, they ____ either on a vacation or sick a) Were b) Are c) Do d) Was 21) During the summer vacation, the students _______ in summer studios, they were in a school trip to Paracas a) Would b) Were c) Are d) Do e) Is f) Weren´t 22) Bea ______ at work yesterday, she took the day off and played tennis for a competition on Sunday a) Wasn´t b) Was c) Will d) Weren´t e) Would f) Were 23) Lucy ______ go to the beach because she had to look after a cat from her neighbor. a) Wasn´t b) Were c) Weren´t d) Was e) Didn´t f) Did 24) Vikram and Lucy were in a baking contest, and they won!, and they ___ have so much fun! a) Did b) Didn´t c) Were d) Weren´t e) Was f) Wasn´t

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