Contagious Diffusion: The wave at a baseball game, A virus in a classroom, Rumors , TikTok trends , Silly bands , videos of the Super Bowl Halftime Show, The rapid spread of ideas or behaviors from person to person through direct contact., Stimulus Diffusion: Iced tea in the South , McDonald's menu items around the world, Development of phone technology, English language in the USA when it left England, The adoption and adaptation of cultural elements from one society to another, resulting in a unique blend of characteristics., Hierarchical Diffusion : Justin Bieber's haircut , Christianity becoming the official religion of the Roman empire , Christianity becoming the dominant religion in the Latin America , Cardi B okurrr, The president signing an executive order demanding everybody wears orange on Fridays , The spread of ideas or practices from influential people or places to less influential people or places., Relocation Diffusion: Christianity spreading to the Americas , Hinduism spreading to Sri Lanka, News traveling along trade routes, The Amish moving from Central Europe to the United States in the 18th & 19th centuries, The spread of ideas or cultures through the physical movement of people.,

3.4 Types of Diffusion


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