1) There are different types of shops in England... a) markets b) huge shopping centres,department stores c) small shopping centres d) supermarkets 2) What shops does she name? a) local grocery stores, supermarkets b) small corner shops c) clothes shops, toy shops d) newsagents, chemist’s... e) local grosery stores,supermarkets,small corner shops, clothes shops,toy shops,book shops,newsagents, chemist's 3) What did she buy? a) window b) panda bear c) panda bag d) panda toy 4) What do they usually buy there? a) sweets b) bread c) vegetables d) tables 5) How long hasn't she been to the sweet shop? a) since last week b) since 2 o'clock c) since winter d) since Christmas  6) What do they sell? a) bakery b) delicious cakes c) ham sandwiches d) bread and cheese sandwiches 7) What did she use to buy? a) books b) magazines c) newspapers d) brochures 8) I haven’t been to.. a) pet shop b) sweet shop c) book shop d) toy shop

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