accountant - a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyse financial accounts, architect - a person who is qualified to design buildings and to plan and supervise their construction, judge - a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court., librarian - a person assisting in a library, midwife - a woman, who is trained to assist women in childbirth., paralegal - a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer., paramedic - a person trained to give emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, typically in a setting outside a hospital., politician - a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office., seamstress - a woman who makes money by sewing, plumber - a person who fits and repairs the pipes, fittings, and other apparatus of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems., landlord - a person who rents out land, a building, or accommodation., influencer - a person who is able to generate interest in something (such as a consumer product) by posting about it on social media, haidresser - a person who cuts and styles hair as an occupation., copywriter - a writer of advertising or publicity copy, construction worker - a worker employed in the physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure, bank teller - a person whose job is to pay out and take in money in a bank, barista - a person who serves in a coffee bar., bartender - a person serving drinks at a bar., cashier - a person handling payments and receipts in a shop, bank, or business., journalist - a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast., pharmacist - a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal drugs., potter - a person who makes ceramic ware., prison warden - a person whose job is to care for and control people who are in prison, receptionist - a person who greets and deals with clients and visitors to a surgery, office, etc., machinist - a person whose job is operating a machine, obstetrician - a doctor who is specially trained to deal with pregnant women and with women who are giving birth, salesman - a man whose job involves selling or promoting commercial products, either in a shop or visiting locations to get orders, real estate agent - a person who sells and rents out buildings and land for clients, manager - a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff., janitor - a person employed in an apartment house, office building, school, etc., to clean the public areas, remove garbage, and do minor repairs,

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