to mend - to repair something that has been damaged or broken so that it can be used again, to create - to make something new happen or exist, to recycle - to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again, to customise - to make or change something to suit the needs of the owner or user, to design - to decide how something will look, work, etc., by drawing plans, making computer models, etc., a bead - a small piece of glass, wood, etc., with a hole through it, that can be put on a string with others, to stick - to fix something to something else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to something in this way, to decorate - to make something look more attractive by putting things on it, to sew - to use a needle and thread to make stitches in cloth, to rebuild - to build or put something together again, to fix - to repair or correct something, to invent - to produce or design something that has not existed before,

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