1) Huge, slow-moving masses of ice. a) Mammoths b) Fossils c) Glaciers d) Adaptation 2) No longer in existence; died out. a) Sheets b) Extinct c) Glaciers d) Paleolithic 3) The gradual development of something, often referring to living organisms and species. a) Extinct b) Tundra c) Evolution d) Nomadic 4) The visible features of an area of land. a) Landscape b) Megafauna c) Paleolithic d) Glaciers 5) The usual weather conditions in a particular place a) Paleolithic b) Migration c) Climate d) Megafauna 6) Large, flat expanses of ice. a) Megafauna b) Climate c) Sheets d) Harsh 7) Referring to animals with long, curved canine teeth. a) Glaciers b) Permafrost c) Saber-toothed d) Paleolithic 8) Large, hairy, extinct elephants. a) Mammoths b) Saber-toothed c) Harsh d) Glaciers 9) An extinct species of archaic humans [some of the first humans] a) Neanderthals b) Megafauna c) Evolution d) Extinct 10) An extremely cold, dry biome with limited vegetation. a) Megafauna b) Paleolithic c) Landscape d) Tundra 11) Soil that remains permanently frozen. a) Migration b) Permafrost c) Saber-toothed d) Neanderthals 12) Movement of animals from one region to another a) Landscape b) Tundra c) Migration d) Permafrost 13) Relating to the early Stone Age when primitive stone tools were used a) Extinct b) Harsh c) Tundra d) Paleolithic 14) Preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms. a) Tundra b) Fossils c) Mammoths d) Permafrost 15) Large or giant animals that existed during prehistoric times a) Megafauna b) Fossils c) Adaptation d) Climate 16) The process of adjusting to new conditions or environments. a) Adaptation b) Paleolithic c) Landscape d) Tundra 17) Living the lifestyle of moving from place to place rather than settling in one location. a) Saber-toothed b) Mammoths c) Nomadic d) Tundra 18) Severe or difficult to endure; unforgiving. a) Nomadic b) Harsh c) Sheets d) Glaciers

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