1 The first step is to look carefully at the maps/ plans. Don't rush through this step. Make sure you understand the maps/plans before you start to write., 2 Underline important words in the question and look for differences between the first map/plan and the second and mark these differences on the map/plan. Look at the key and the scale, if there is one. Decide which changes are the most important., 3 Plan your writing. You can usually divide it into three paragraphs: introduction, first main paragraph and second main paragraph., 4 Look carefully at the time period for each map/plan and work out what tenses you need to use (past, present, present perfect or future)., 5 Begin with an introductory sentence that describes the maps/plans in general terms, but don't repeat the exact wording of the question., 6 Then describe one or two of the main changes. Don't go into detail; just report the most important changes you see when you look at the chart, e.g. In 2010, the town of Southport was considerably larger and more urbanized than it was in 1980., 7 In the first main paragraph, write about the most important changes first. Choose the most significant changes in the second map and compare it with the first map., 8 In the second main paragraph, describe the remaining changes and again compare the first map with what you see in the second., 9 You should generally use the passive form to describe changes that occur to rooms. buildings, roads, parts of a town. etc., 10 Use information from the key in your response and use the scale, if there is one, to estimate distances. e.g. The new library is located about a kilometre north of the old one., 11 Remember, don't try to explain the changes, or give your opinion; just describe and report them., 12 Keep track of the time. Don't spend more than 20 minutes on Task 1., 13 Make sure your handwriting is clear and legible. Keep in mind the criteria that the examiners use to mark your response.

Tips and tactics: Task 1: Maps & Plans

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