1) Go __________ on. a) left b) right c) straight d) on 2) ________ left. a) turn b) go c) past d) walk 3) turn __________.  a) left b) straight c) right d) past 4) Go _________ the supermarket.  a) on b) past c) straight d) right 5) It's on the ______ . a) past b) left c) turn d) on 6) It's on the __________. a) turn b) right c) left d) past 7) _________ is the supermarket? a) What b) When c) Where d) Why 8) Where is this? a) next to b) opposite c) between 9) Where is this? a) next to b) opposite c) between 10) Where is this? a) next to b) opposite c) between 11) At the _______, turn right. a) rounding round b) roundaround c) roundabout 12) Go straight on until the _______ a) lighting traffic b) lights traffic c) traffic lights 13) __________, I'm looking for the museum. a) You're welcome b) Bless you c) Excuse me 14) _________ the way to the airport? a) you can tell me b) tell you can I c) can you tell me 15) Read the.... a) Map b) Magazine c) Flyer 16) .... up! a) Stop b) Wait c) Hurry 17) Go.... the bridge a) Over b) Above c) Near


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