1) For the fraction 3/4, what value is in the numerator? a) b) c) 2) For the fraction 4/3, what value is in the numerator? a) b) c) 3) For the fraction 4/5, what value is in the numerator? a) b) c) 4) For the fraction 4/5, what value is in the denominator? a) b) c) 5) For the fraction 5/6, what value is in the numerator? a) b) c) 6) For the fraction 5/6, what value is in the denominator? a) b) c) 7) What fraction is represented by the image? a) b) c) 8) What fraction is represented by the image? a) b) c)

Fractions: Numerator/Denominator & Converting image to fraction

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