1) What did Martin Luther King Jr. do as a leader in the Civil Rights Movement? a) Led peaceful protests b) Advocated for civil disobedience c) Organized economic boycotts d) All of the above 2) When did Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his famous “I Have a Dream” speech? a) 1954 b) 1963 c) 1968 d) 1972 3) What holiday is celebrated in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.? a) Independence Day b) Memorial Day c) Labor Day d) Martin Luther King Jr. Day 4) What did Martin Luther King Jr. win in 1964 for his work in the civil rights movement? a) Pulitzer Prize b) Nobel Peace Prize c) Academy Award d) Tony Award 5) What was the name of the nonviolent civil rights organization Martin Luther King Jr. co-founded in 1957? a) NAACP b) SNCC c) SCLC d) Freedom Riders 6) What city was the scene of Martin Luther King Jr.'s last stand for civil rights before his assassination? a) Atlanta b) Birmingham c) Memphis d) Selma 7) Famous march to the nation’s capital that Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders in 1963? a) The Selma to Montgomery March b) The Birmingham Protest c) The March on Washington d) The Freedom Ride 8) What year did Martin Luther King Jr. graduate from college? a) 1951 b) 1955 c) 1959 d) 1963 9) What was the name of the famous letter Martin Luther King Jr. wrote while in prison in Birmingham, Alabama? a) “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” b) “Letter of Hope” c) “Letter from a Birmingham Clergyman” d) “Letter of Solidarity” 10) Who supported Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement? a) African Americans b) Women c) Asian Americans d) All of the above

Martin Luther King Day

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