watching - I'm ___ TV., kicking - I’m ___ a ball in the park., giving - I’m ___ my cat a bath., running - I’m late! I’m ___ to my next class., standing - I’m ___ at a bus stop., eating - I’m ___ my breakfast., going - I’m ___ to a movie theater., golfing - I’m ___ at a golf course., studying - I’m ___ English at the library., walking - I’m ___ to school., cooking - I’m ___ dinner in the kitchen., brushing - I’m ___ my teeth., dancing - I’m ___ at my friend’s party., reading - I’m ___ an interesting book., planting - I’m ___ flowers in the garden., doing - I’m ___ my homework., sweeping - I’m ___ the floor with a broom., singing - I’m ___ ‘Happy Birthday’ to my classmate.,

Present Continuous

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