1) Do you like riding a bike? a) Yes, I like. b) Yes, I do. c) No, I am not. d) Yes, I can. 2) Choose the correct sentence. a) She play the piano every day. b) She is playing the piano every day. c) She plai the piano every day. d) She plays the piano every day. 3) ____________ he always _____________ to school by bus? a) Do / goes b) Do / go c) Does / go d) Does / goes 4) Choose the correct sentence. a) I doesn´t get up at nine o´clock. b) I don´t get up at nine o´clock. c) I´m not get up at nine o´clock. d) I get not up at nine o´clock. 5) ___________ they ________________ English at school? a) Do / speak b) Does / speak c) Do / speaks d) Does /speak 6) Choose the correct sentence. a) She always go to bed at eleven o´clock. b) She never doesn´t go to bed at eleven o´clock. c) She never goes to bed at eleven o´clock. d) She always going to bed at eleven o´clock. 7) What time is it? a) It´s half past eight. b) It´s quarter to nine. c) It´s quarter to eight. d) It´s quarter past nine. 8) What time is it? a) It´s half past three. b) It´s half to four. c) It´s half past two. d) It´s half three. 9) What time is it? a) It´s quarter to eleven. b) It´s quarter past twelve. c) It´s quarter eleven. d) It´s quarter past eleven. 10) What time is it? a) It´s two clock. b) It´half past two. c) It´s two o´clock. d) It´s o´clock two.

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