Are you a couch potato or is someone in your family a couch potato?  , Do you know anyone who is sweet as honey?, What is something that makes your mouth water? Does food have to look good or taste good in your opinion?, What is something that isn’t your cup of tea? Why don’t you like it?, Do you have a sweet tooth? What is your favourite dessert? How often do you eat it?, Have you ever tried buttering someone up? Why? Do you like it when someone tries to butter you up?, Do you generally eat like a horse or do you eat like a bird?, Who brings home the bacon in your household? , Do you have a lot on your plate these days? What do you do to organize yourself?, Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were left with egg on your face? That is you were embarrassed because of something you said or did?, If you have bad news to tell a friend, do you tell them directly or do you walk on eggshells?, When you have to give a presentation are you cool as a cucumber or a nervous wreck? Is presenting a piece of cake for you? Why or why not?, I love my daughter very much. She is the apple of my eye. Who is the apple of your eye?, Do you know anyone who often cries over spilled milk?, How often do you pig out on junk food? Do many people eat junk food in your country? What is your favourite kind of junk.

Slanguage Lesson 8 - Food discussion Questions

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