1) Sharon ____ for three hours yesterday. a) dance b) danced c) danceed d) dances 2) Dad ____ a big bag of presents home two days ago. a) carry b) carryed c) carried d) carries 3) We ____ at Grandpa’s house yesterday. a) stay b) stayied c) staied d) stayed 4) The baby ____ for hours last night. a) cries b) cryed c) cried d) cry 5) Yesterday Ken _____ the piano for two hours! a) practisied b) practised c) practiseed d) practise 6) Two years ago my brother ____ French. a) studied b) studies c) studyed d) study 7) I ____ very unhappy yesterday because my classmates ____ at me. a) am, laugh b) were, laughed c) was, laughed d) was, laugh 8) Mum ____ noodles this morning. It was yummy. a) cook b) cooks c) cooked d) cookied 9) What ______ you _______ last weekend? a) did, did b) did, do c) do, do d) do, did 10) She ______ her homework last night. a) did not do b) do not do c) did not did d) didn't did 11) I ______ the dishes last night. a) didnot wash b) did not washed c) didn't washed d) did not wash 12) Ben ______ for the English test yesterday. a) did not study b) did not studied c) does not study d) do not study

PLE Bk3B Ch4 Past tense (regular verbs, did not, question)

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