1) what is the most important Worship? a) Prayer (Salah) b) Pilgrimage (Hajj) c) Charity (Sadaqa) d) Saying nice words 2) ........ is the second pillar of Islam a) Zakat b) Salah c) Reading Quran d) Saying Shahadah 3) Salat al-jama'ah means ; a) praying a lone b) praying in group 4) How many times the Muslim should pray everyday? a) 3 b) 6 c) 5 d) 4 5) the one who leads the prayer called ; a) the Teacher b) the Imam c) the Coach d) the Prayer 6) Salah is the most important act of worship because; a) helps me remember Allah b) special way to thank Allah c) helps me make good choices d) All of the above 7) Salah strengthens my iman . Iman is a) Love b) Strength c) Faith d) body 8) Salat al-jama'ah is ........ than praying alone a) better b) less

Salah, chapter 9 lesson 1 (kg)

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