If I had time, I would go away for the weekend to.......because...., It's important to get on well with family members because..., When I was a child, my responsibility at home was to look after..., This year I would like to give up...., Before going to bed, I always/never turn off..., This year I am looking forward to..., Last month, my sister asked me to look after my nephews while she..., I can't stand waking up at..., If I lose my keys I always look for them....... (where?), The last time I had to pick up/drop off my....... from the airport/station., I prefer to go out only on ......./when ......., I hardly ever buy clothes without trying them on because...., The last time I ran out of petrol was when ......, When I fill in a form, I always ....., If I could, I would throw away....., When I was disappointed with the product, I had to take it back to the shop because....., If I need to find out the information on holiday destinations/hotels/flights/tickets, I always......

EF Pre-Int 10 B Phrasal verbs sentence starters

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