1) cconnected to farming or farms a) agricultural b) unfortunate c) relaxed d) unique 2) usual, not special in any way a) quality b) competitive c) unique d) average 3) opportunity a) decade b) pressure c) agricultural d) chance 4) likes to take part in games a) competitive b) educated c) polluted d) agricultural 5) a ten-year period a) decade b) competition c) fortune d) participant 6) to teach and instruct a) name b) educate c) pressure d) pollut 7) to give something a word or a label a) to name b) to welcome c) quality d) participant 8) a person that takes part in a) chance b) participant c) competitive d) responsible 9) damage caused to air or water a) wealthy b) pressure c) quality d) pollution 10) stress a) stay b) unfortunately c) welcome d) pressure 11) How good or excellent something is. a) quality b) to name c) chance d) take part in 12) to calm down, feel at ease a) relax b) wealthy c) competitive d) stay 13) to have control over something or someone a) responsible b) to name c) pollution d) average 14) being in a place for some time. a) stay b) wildlife c) relax d) unique 15) to participate a) responsible b) chance c) take part in d) relax 16) Sadly a) quality b) responsible c) chance d) unfortunately 17) special a) unique b) competitive c) stay d) unfortunately 18) rich a) quality b) unfortunate c) pollution d) wealthy 19) meet someone in a friendly way a) wealthy b) wildlife c) quality d) welcome 20) animals and plants growing in nature a) pressure b) wildlife c) participant d) agriculture

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