1) Descriptive words tell us how the characters... a) move and speak only b) move and look only c) look, move, speak, and behave with others 2) To describe how the character looked like (Physical features) a) screamed, shouted, whispered b) rolled, wriggled, marched, walked c) blonde, straight hair, long hair, thin, blue pants 3) To describe how the character moved a) brown eyes, dark skin colour, chubby, tall b) ran, bounced, walked, rolled c) stuttered, screamed, yelled 4) To describe how the character spoke  a) crawled, hopped, leaped  b) humble, brave, loyal, selfish, mean, generous c) chatted, muttered, whined, whispered, screamed 5) To describe how the character behaved with people a) walked, marched, stomped, wriggled b) honest, respectful, kind, helpful, polite, bossy c) yelled, shouted, chatted

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