When metals react they ____ to form ____, called ____. This is ____ When ____ react they ____ electrons to form ____ ions, also known as ____. This process is called ____. ____ is the loss of ____. Reduction is the ____ of electrons. The ____ must occur ____. ____ cause ____ and are themselves ____. They are also known as ____. ____ cause ____ and are ____ They are also known as ____ ____ are electron ____, as they cause a species to ____ by themselves ____ them. This is why oxidants get ____ Reductants are ____, as they ____ to ____ by themselves ____. This is why ____ The ____ in the oxidation number ____ signifies oxidation. When the oxidation number of an element ____, this shows reduction ____ Oxidation ____ are also known as ____. Some ____ can have a lot of ____ ____ states. The ____ way to spot ____ is to look for ____ or ____ from a ____ The next ____ to spot ____ is if ____ are turning ____, or ____ back ____ ____ goes ____. He is a very ____ and polite ____.

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