Speak about a topic of your choice for 1 minute using only past simple and/or past continuous (Your Target: No Tenses Mistakes), Use Only synonyms of these words—do not use the words themselves—in a coherent 1-minute story (happy, shy, ashamed, angry). Your Target: No coherence/Vocab mistakes, Use the following linkers in one coherent 2-minute story (because, such as, so, also). Your Target: No coherence mistakes+ correct usage of linkers, Find ALL the mistakes in the following sentences in 30 secs: 1) I was so exciting when he invited me to his party 2) Wegz become a famous singer when he very young 3) Laila Elwi born in 1962., Fill in the blanks using correct verbs in 30 secs: 1) The burger ........bad because it is not well-cooked 2) The car.......into a tree and the driver got......., Use the following to describe a car accident in 1 minute: "Wheel come off/road sign/drive out of lane/exceed speed limit". Target: No coherence mistakes+ correct usage of vocab, Imagine delivering good news (positive experience at work) using these words in 1 minute: appreciate/encourage/promoted/talented/boss. Target: use all the words correctly and coherently, Describe in 2 mins how similar or different your personality is compared to your parents. Target: No present simple mistakes+ correct usage of personality adjectives, Put all the following adjectives in contextual sentences (you have 1 minute): unusual/guilty/disappointed/ambitious, Replace the definitions with the correct word/expression in 30 secs: 1) people who are traveling by plane 2) the person on a plane that serves food and drinks 3) a woman getting married on her wedding day 4) a man getting married on his wedding day 5) The action of getting on a plane 6) the space where people dance in weddings/nightclubs, Fill in the blanks in 30 secs: 1) I ......my temper and insulted her. 2) I .....fired today. 3) I can't do this alone, can you....me a hand? 4) I failed the test; all my hard work......to nothing., Use the following in related sentences in 30 secs: (annoyed-annoyance-annoying), Talk about your first impression of someone in the training room (Don't tell us who!) in 1 minute. Target: no long pauses+ using personality adjectives, Describe something you bought using these words in 30 secs: Leather/affordable/practical/tight, Use the correct verb: 1) There was water on the floor so I .........and fell. 2) There were toys on the floor, so I ......and fell,

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