I had a terrible day last Friday., It was around 9 in the morning and I was alone, as all of my family had gone to work., I 'd had breakfast but I hadn't got dressed yet., I went into the kitchen and saw that the rubbish bin needed emptying., So I picked up the bin liner and went to take it outside., I opened the front door and went along the corridor, to the place where you leave your rubbish., As I was putting the bag down I felt a draught of air and heard a bang., When I got back to my flat, I found that the door was closed., The wind had blown it shut. , I put my hand in the pocket of my pyjamas, but I had left my keys inside., Tried ringing my neighbour's door bell , but they had gone to work., So I went down to the security man to cal l my husband., But then I remembered he had gone on a business trip and wouldn’t be back until evening., So I had to wait al l day in the corridor outside my flat!.

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