exp. - experience: how many years you have worked in a job, d/l - driver's licence, hr. - hour, F/T - full-time , P/T - part-time, min. - minimum: the least amount, perm. - permanent: a job that has no end date, pref. - preferred: this is the better option, ref. - references: people who can say you are a good employee, req. - required: you must have or do this, temp. - temporary: a job with an end date, w/ - with, wk. - week or work, nec. - necessary: you must have or do this, aft. - afternoon, approx. - approximately , asst. - assistant, cert. - certified or certification , eve. - evening, immed. - immediately: start now, ASAP - as soon as possible, incl. - includes/included/including, wtd. - wanted , yr. - year,

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