1) How many countries are there in Europe? a) 50 b) 7 c) 57 2) Europe is the _________ smallest continent in the world a) first b) second c) third 3) In Europe there are more than _________ million people a) 550 b) 650 c) 750 4) Europe has an AGEING POPULATION because... a) low birth rates and low life expectancy b) low birth rates and high life expectancy c) high birth rates and high life expectancy 5) The population growth in Europe is... a) fast b) slow 6) Most densely populated areas in Europe are a) he Mediterranean coast b) the centre of the continent and the Mediterranean coast c) the east and north of Europe 7) The least densely populated areas are: a) the east and north of Europe b) the centre of the continent and the Mediterranean coast c) the islands 8) What is the sector that employs fewer people in Europe? a) primary sector b) secondary sector c) tertiary sector 9) Where is crop farming most important? a) Great European plain and Mediterranean basin b) Norway, Spain, Rusia, Iceland and The UK 10) What kind of crops are in the Mediterranean basin? a) dry crops b) irragated crops c) both 11) What is livestock farming? a) agricultura b) ganadería 12) What is crop farming? a) agricultura b) ganadería 13) How can the livestock be? a) irrigated and dry b) intensive and extensive 14) Where is fishing most important? a) Great European Plain and Mediterranean Basin b) Spain, Norweay, Russia , Iceland, the United Kingdom and Denmark 15) What is the largest employer sector in Europe? a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary 16) Europe is the third-largest industrial area after... a) China and USA b) China and the UK c) Russia and the USA 17) What jobs belong to the tertiary sector? a) trade, tourism and transport b) trade, livestock farming and transport c) trade, factories and transport 18) The EU is an ___________ and ____________ organization a) economical and vital b) economical and political c) continent formed by countries 19) How many countries are there in the EU? a) 37 b) 27 c) 47 20) How many countries established the eurozone? a) 27 b) 9 c) 11 21) When was the eurozone established? a) 1990 b) 2009 c) 1999 22) How many countries use the euro €? a) 11 b) 27 c) 20

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