1) You've been working on a project for weeks, but your colleague suddenly proposes major changes. You're not happy, but confrontation isn't your style. How do you tactfully communicate your concerns and find a compromise? 2) A heated discussion erupts during a brainstorming session. How do you calm the situation and ensure everyone's voice is heard? 3) You're on the phone with a client who's upset about missing information. How do you apologize effectively without admitting personal blame? 4) A colleague calls requesting urgent information you haven't finished compiling. How do you manage their expectations and offer alternative solutions without sounding dismissive? 5) Your boss asks you to take on a new project, but you're already overloaded. How do you decline politely without seeming negative or uncooperative? 6) A friend asks you to help them move house on the same day you have an important meeting. How do you navigate the situation and offer alternative support without directly saying "no"? 7) You've worked hard on a project, but your colleague criticizes it harshly. How do you calmly explain the effort put in and negotiate for a more constructive approach? 8) You disagree with a proposed solution during a brainstorming session. How do you convey your concerns while remaining respectful and open to compromise? 9) You're on the phone with a client who's giving vague instructions. How do you clarify their needs without sounding pushy or interrupting? 10) You receive a call about a change in company policy, but the details are unclear. How do you confirm your understanding and ensure you have all the necessary information? 11) A colleague asks you to take on a task you're already overloaded with. How do you politely decline without appearing unhelpful? 12) Your manager wants you to attend a meeting you know won't be valuable for your work. How do you suggest an alternative that benefits both you and the team? 13) A colleague missed a deadline they assured you about, impacting your work. How do you express your disappointment and seek a solution professionally? 14) You discover a technical issue with a project you co-developed with a colleague. How do you address the problem constructively and suggest a collaborative solution? 15) A customer calls with a complex question you can't answer immediately. How do you manage their expectations and assure them help is on the way? 16) You receive multiple calls requesting the same information you're still gathering. How do you handle the inquiries efficiently and offer alternative resources? 17) Your friend invites you to a weekend event, but you have prior commitments. How do you express your regretand propose alternative ways to connect? 18) A coworker asks you to cover their shift on short notice, conflicting with your personal plans. How do you explain your unavailability and offer alternative support?

Prompt cards for Business Result Upper-Inter Review of Units 7, 8, 9

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