counterpart (n): - sth with the same function as sth else in a different place or situation (odpowiednik), to top (v): - to exceed a certain amount (przewyższać), variation (n): - a difference in amount, level, etc, burnout (n):  - the state of feeling exhausted because of overwork, trial (adj):  - done as a test to see how sth works, impact (on sth) (n):  - the effect sth has on sth else, loyalty (n):  - the quality of being faithful to sb/sth, notorious (adj):  - famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed (osławiony), alternatively (adv):  - in a way that offers another option, output (n):  - productivity (wydajność), commute (v): - travelling able to choose when you start and finish work, work remotely: - doing your job from a location other than the office, usually using technology to communicate, resign (v): - quitting your job formally by telling your employer you're leaving, flexible hours: - being able to choose when you start and finish work, efficient (adj.): - doing things quickly and effectively without wasting time or resources, sick days: - days off work when you're ill, usually paid by your employer, overworked (adj.): - having too much work or responsibility, which can lead to stress and exhaustion,

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