True: Calcium oxide is formed when limestone is being heated., Limewater turns chalky when reacts with carbon dioxide gas., Calcium carbonate is limestone., calcium oxide is quicklime., After filtering the milk of lime, a clear limewater is obtained., Milk of lime is used to paint trees to prevent frostbites and white wash wall., Quicklime is hygroscopic and dessicant., When limewater reacts with carbon dioxide gas, calcium carbonate is produced., carbon dioxide gas is produced when a limestone is being heated., the filtrate of milk of lime is limewater., Mica has complete cleavage., Galena has metallic lustre., Quartz is glassy., Bromine is a liquid non-metal., Graphite is a non-metal with high melting point and conduct electricity., False: Limewater is calcium carbonate., Limestone is calcium hydroxide., Quicklime is used in building materials and cement., Slaked lime is calcium oxide., Slaked lime is formed when more water is added to milk of lime., Limewater is heated to form quicklime., When more water is added to milk of lime, it become limestone., When limestone is added to water, it produces a lot of heat., Mica has obvious fracture., Gemstone is the hardest mineral., All metals are solids., All metals are minerals., Coal is a minerals., Mercury is a non-metal that can conduct heat and electricity., Silicon dioxide reacts easily with water and acid, and it has low melting and boiling point.,

mineral and metal

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