1) Do you think it is important to save for the future? Why? 2) A lot of people say: “It is important to save for a rainy day”. What does that mean? Do you agree or disagree? 3) What are some effective ways to save money in our day to day lives? 4) Some people say it is better to live in the moment and start saving later. What do you think? 5) If you had the choice between going on holiday with your friends or saving the money, which would you choose? Why? 6) Are you saving for anything at the moment? What is it? 7) What are some bad money habits you could stop to save more for the future? Try to give me at least three bad habits you could cut. 8) Some people say you need money to make money. What do you think it means and do you agree or disagree? 9) Is it more cost effective to buy cheap things that might not last long, or expensive things that might last a long time? 10) Where is the best place to keep the money, you are saving? The bank, the stock market1, in a business? What do you think? 11) Some people say paying for insurance is a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree? 12) Have you ever regretted not buying insurance for something? What happened? 13) Some famous people get their bodies insured, such as their lips, legs, or arms. Do you think it’s a good idea, why? 14) Are there any expenses that you consider useless? Would you like to get rid of them? 15) How do you usually pay for things? Cash or credit? 16) When you buy things do you go for quality or quantity? Cheap or expensive? 17) Is it better to work a lot and buy a lot or work less but buy less? What do you think? 18) There is a popular expression that says” “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” What does that mean, and do you agree? 19) What are some expensive things that you would really like to buy? 20) Have you ever bought anything and then regretted it? What was it? 21) Do you consider yourself financially savvy? Why or why not? 22) People say: “The best things in life are free.” Do you agree or disagree? 23) Another popular expression is “You can’t buy love.” Do you agree or disagree? Why? 24) Is there such a thing as too much money? How much is enough and how much is too much? 25) Is there anything you would like to change about your lifestyle? 26) Have you ever considered doing an MBA (Master’s in Business Administration)? Why or why not? 27) Do you think money can buy happiness? Why or why not? 28) What do you think is better, investing or keeping your money in the bank? Why? 29) Where did you learn about investing? Did you read a book, take a class, or learn from your friends and colleagues? 30) Have you ever heard of day trading? What is it and what do you think of it? 31) Some people say that investing is like putting your money in a casino. Do you agree or disagree?

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