1) What is the correct order of planets in the solar system? a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune c) Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune 2) Which planet rotates on its side? a) Venus b) Uranus c) Saturn 3) Which planet has the most moons? a) Saturn b) Neptune c) Jupiter 4) Which planets have a solid surface? a) Mercury, Saturn, Earth, Mars b) Venus, Earth, Uranus c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars 5) On which planet does acid rain occur? a) Venus b) Earth c) Saturn 6) Where is the Asteroid Belt located? a) Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter b) Between the orbits of Earth and Venus c) Between the orbits of Neptune and Uranus 7) Where are comets located in the Solar system? a) Between the orbits of Neptune and Uranus b) Beyond Neptune's orbit c) Between the orbits of Mercury and Venus 8) Which planets have ice caps? a) Earth and Neptune b) Earth and Uranus c) Earth and Mars 9) What is the smallest planet? a) Earth b) Mercury c) Venus 10) What are Saturn's rings made of? a) Ice, dust and rocks b) Silver c) Cotton 11) What is the largest planet in the Solar system? a) Jupiter b) Uranus c) Saturn 12) Which planet has the Great Red Spot? a) Jupiter b) Uranus c) Saturn 13) What is Pluto? a) The largest asteroid b) A dwarf planet c) A comet 14) What is the hottest planet in our Solar System? a) Venus b) Mercury c) Saturn 15) Where is the highest mountain in the solar system, called Olympus? a) Earth b) Mars c) Venus 16) Which planet is named after the ancient Roman god of thunder? a) Mars b) Jupiter c) Neptune 17) Which planet is named after the Roman god of the seas? a) Mars b) Neptune c) Saturn 18) Which planet is named after the Roman god of agriculture? a) Mercury b) Saturn c) Pluto 19) What is an eclipse? a) An occasion when the Sun disappears from view, either completely or partly, while the Moon is moving between it and the Earth b) A rare phenomenon where a planet temporarily disappears from view due to a passing asteroid c) An event where a planet aligns perfectly with the Sun and another celestial body, resulting in a temporary increase in daylight hours 20) Which planet was the first to be discovered using a telescope? a) Jupiter b) Uranus c) Mars

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