I want to learn how the teachers and children communicate with one another., I would like to see how leadership can be seen in the setting., I would like to learn the types of activities that are seen in the setting and how they feed into the child's learning., I want to see how the activities are planned in the setting., I would like to see different theories come into play e.g. Montessori., I want to learn about how the teachers communicate with the parents about the children's learning and activities throughout the day., I want to learn more about Aistear and how it can be seen in the setting., I want to improve on my competencies throughout the placement., I would like to see how a day is structured in the setting., I want to see the types of communication used between children and teachers., I would like to see how different instructions are given out to the children and in turn how independent they are., I would like to see how the teachers motivate the children to complete tasks., I want to see the various equipment they use in the setting and all the different materials available to the children., I would like to see how group activities are carried out in the setting with children., I want to see how the teachers keep the children focused in the room., I would like to learn about how they promote independence within the children in the class as well..

Goals for Work Placement 3

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