Who's this? - St.George (and the Dragon), next to Regent's Park, What's this museum? (A fictional detective 'lived' there.) - The Sherlock Holmes Museum, Baker Street, What line is this? - The Prime Meridian, Greenwich, Which London airport is the only one served by the London Underground? - Heathrow Airport, What is the colloquial name for the London Underground? - The Tube, Which tourist spot in London is known for its large electronic advertising boards? - Piccadilly Circus, Which three-letter abbreviation is common shorthand for London? - LDN, The employees of which organisation wear these hats?  - The London Metropolitan Police, Legend says that London will fall if these birds ever leave the Tower of London. What are they? - ravens, On what day does the UK celebrate the failure of the Gunpowder Plot? - The 5th of November, What was the disaster that struck the City of London in September 1666? - The Great Fire of London, Which of the following cities has a smaller population than London: Sao Paulo, Sydney, Seoul, Shanghai? - Sydney, What is the purpose of this building? - It's a theatre (Shakespeare's Globe), Where can you see this? - The British Museum, Holland Park has an artificial waterfall but, there is another waterfall, in a park nearer to this school. In which park do you think this particular waterfall is located? - Regent's Park, Which continent is represented in this part of the Victoria and Albert Memorial? - Africa, Do you know the name of this place in South London? It contains the name of an animal. - Elephant and Castle, Do you know the name of this place in East London? It contains the name of an animal. - Canary Wharf, Do you know the name of this place in North East London? It contains the name of an animal. - Blackhorse Road, In these London place names, what four-letter word / four letters are missing: ____ Ham, ____ Finchley, ____bourne Park, ____minster?  - West, What's the name of this place? - Covent Garden (Piazza), Which is the most recent transport system in London? - The Elizabeth Line, This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - It's the eye of a pigeon., This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - It's a 50 pence coin., This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - It's a kerb., This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - It's a lamp post., This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - They are railings., This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - It's the fabric used on Tube seats., This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - It's Tower Bridge., This is a close up of something you'd see in London. What is it? - It's a London letterbox.,

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