1) What was the name of the Greek woman that Prince Paris of Troy took back to Troy with him? a) Athena b) Helen c) Persephone d) Aphrodite 2) For how many years did the Greeks surround the city of Troy before the Trojan Horse incident? a) Five years b) Seven years c) Ten years d) Fifteen years 3) Who had the clever idea for building the Trojan Horse? a) Achilles b) Odysseus c) Hercules d) Theseus 4) How many soldiers could hide inside the Trojan Horse? a) Ten b) Twenty c) Thirty d) Forty 5) Why did the Trojans initially believe that the Greeks left the wooden horse? a) They wanted to trick the Trojans b) They wanted peace c) They were afraid of the Trojans d) They were tired of fighting 6) Who threw a spear at the wooden horse, causing a strange noise to come from it? a) Hector b) Achilles c) Paris d) An old man 7) Who was the Greek prisoner that the Trojan soldiers brought to question about the Trojan Horse? a) Agamemnon b) Sinon c) Menelaus d) Patroclus 8) What did the Greeks claim the Trojan Horse was filled with to please the gods? a) Weapons b) Gold c) Treasure d) Food 9) What did Sinon do to send a signal to the Greek army on the island? a) Lit a fire b) Blew a horn c) Raised a flag d) Sent a messenger 10) The Trojan War ended when the Greeks entered the city of Troy. a) True b) False 11) How did the Greek soldiers finally enter the city of Troy? a) Through the gates b) Over the walls c) Under the walls d) With the Trojan's help 12) The Greeks found Helen and left her in Troy. a) True b) False 13) The Trojan Horse had wheels to help it move. a) True b) False 14) The Trojans immediately burned the wooden horse upon seeing it. a) True b) False

Grade 5 - The Trojan Horse (reading)

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