1) wold largest sugar producer country a) Cuba b) india c) china d) Sri lanka e) japan f) United States of America 2) biggest temple a) padmanta swamy b) Tirupati Balaji temple c) Akshardham d) Angkor wat e) mahogany temple f) akshardaum 3) biggest country in world a) Brazil b) india c) cannada d) greenland e) america f) russia 4) biggest state in America a) texas b) calofonia c) alaska d) indiana e) New York f) Washington 5) country with most coastline a) india b) china c) russia d) algeria e) cannada f) Australia 6) most popular sport in world a) cricket b) baseball c) ruby d) basketball e) football f) lactose 7) most powerful country a) India b) china c) russia d) uk e) Japan f) usa 8) who invented airplane a) wright brothers b) John c) jack d) Mr Albert Einstein e) rudolf diesel f) Issac newton 9) most populated country a) china b) america c) Bangladesh d) pakistan e) nigeria f) india 10) which country have the most nuclear bombs a) india b) pakistan c) russia d) america e) china f) uk

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