What day is st David’s day on? - St David’s day is on march 1st., When was st David born? - He was born on 500AD., What is our welsh national anthem? - is Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau, What are the primary welsh sports? - football and rugby., Who is Mari Lwyd? - Mari Lwyd is a unique and fascinating tradition, Why do we celebrate st David’s day? - day to remember the life of st David and everything he done for wales., What is a traditional welsh food dish? - welsh cakes, awl, and laverbread, What are some welsh festivals? - St. David's Day. International Eisteddfod., What did Mari Lwyd do? - dressed with festive lights and decorations,, What did st David do for wales? - St David was once a teacher and a preacher,,

welsh culture

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