1) "It was a hobbit hole and that means____." a) trouble b) comfort c) green d) below ground e) cozy f) cold and damp 2) ____ was the mother of Bilbo Baggins. a) Barbara Baggins b) Gandalf c) Bungo Baggins d) Belladonna Took e) Bullroarer f) Tookish 3) Who invented golf? a) Thror b) Old Took c) Bullroarer d) Smaug e) Thrain, the Old f) the goblins of Moria 4) Who made the "plan of the mountain"? a) Thorin Oakenshield b) Thror c) Thrain d) Old Took e) Gloin f) Gandalf 5) Who is the "chosen and selected burglar"? a) Fili b) Kili c) Thorin d) Old Took e) Bombur f) Bilbo Baggins 6) What item came with the map or plan of the mountain? a) a glass for reading the map b) ancient runes c) a sword d) the location of the dragon e) a silver key f) the instructions for the secret door 7) What happened to the town of Dale? a) It was destroyed by an earthquake. b) The dragon destroyed it completely. c) It was deserted when all the dwarves were killed. d) The dragon made it his home. e) It was abandoned and the forest grew up around it. f) All the dwarves live there. 8) Who was Azog the Goblin? a) He killed Thorin's father, Thrain. b) He gave the map of the mountain to Gandalf. c) He killed Thorin's grandfather Thror. d) Gandalf killed him. e) He was the King of the Mountain. 9) Who said, "Well I should say that you ought to go East and have a look around. After all there is a Side-door, and dragons must sleep sometimes, I suppose." a) Gandalf b) Thorin c) Balin d) Bilbo Baggins e) Fili f) Kili 10) Why did Gandalf put a mark on Bilbo's green front door? a) The mark indicated that he was a burglar for hire. b) The mark indicated that it was Bilbo's house. c) The mark told the dwarves that they were to meet there. d) It indicated that Bilbo was Belladonna Took's son. e) It indicated to the dwarves that where they were lodging that night. f) The mark indicated that there was food and drink there. 11) What did Old Took love to see on Midsummer's Eve? a) a huge festival b) all his family gathered round the fire c) tales of dragons, goblins, and giants and the rescue of princesses d) lilies, snapdragons, and laburnums e) Gandalf's fireworks f) lads and lasses going off on adventures 12) Where was Bilbo's home located? a) tunnels through a hill b) around a garden c) in The Hill d) across The Water e) in the mountains f) the Dale 13) Who washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen after the dinner at Bilbo's house? a) Gandalf with this magic wand b) Thorin and Thrain c) Bilbo had to clean up. d) all the dwarves, except Thorin e) Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur

The Hobbit chapter 1

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