We need to make room here for a new computer. - create space by moving other things, They made a killing when they sold their London flat at the top of the market. - earn a lot of money in a short time and with little effort, He tried to make a joke of the fact that he hadn't passed the test. - laugh at something although it is serious or important, We can't afford to fix the car this month, so I guess we'll need to do without it for a few weeks. - manage without having something, It doesn't matter if you fail, just do your best. - make the greatest effort possible, You can phone me at work as long as you don't make a habit of it. - begin to do something regularly, often without thinking about it, This last paragraph doesn’t make any sense. - be clear and easy to understand, Take the medicine - it will do you good. - improve someone's health or life, Billy Crystal has done the honours at the Oscar ceremony on several occasions. - be the person at a special event or social occasion who is in charge or who performs any ceremonies , It's a global problem - what can individuals do about it? - take action in order to deal with something , This sauce needs more flavour - some lemon juice should do the trick. - produce the desired result , He made a living by working as a cook. - earn the money one needs to pay for housing, food, etc.,

Collocations Definitions Matching (ESL Brains- collocations with make and do)

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