1) Apolinar claims _______ a doctor, but he isn't.  a) to be b) being c) Both are possible 2) The customer demanded _________ to the manager in an angry way. a) to speak b) speaking c) Both are possible 3) Can you imagine ___________ living in the moon? a) to live b) living c) Both are possible 4) I never swaer __________ something I will not. a) to do b) doing c) Both are possible 5) We never go to parades because we can't stand _____________ lonmg time under the burning sun. a) to sit b) sitting c) Both are possible 6) When they saw me they suddenly stopped ___________. a) to chat b) chatting c) Both are possible 7) From now onwards, you should avoid _________ late. a) to be b) being c) Both are possible 8) I can't tolerate __________ screamed at. a) to be b) being c) Both are possible 9) It's no use _____________ now, the train has left. a) to hurry up b) hurrying up c) Both are possible 10) I am happy ___________ you. a) to help b) helping c) Both are possible


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