1) Where did a page live? a) a knight's castle b) a king's castle c) a queen's castle d) a squire's casle 2) What did a page eat for breakfast? a) chicken b) bread c) pasta d) baked beans 3) Why did pages not drink water? a) Because they didn't like water b) Because they prefered beer c) Because it was filthy 4) What did pages not learn? a) Horsemanship b) Hawking c) Reading d) heraldry 5) Pages used to ... a) serve meals. b) write letters. c) learn weapons. d) go to war. 6) Children could become pages at... a) 6 years old b) 8 years old c) 9 years old d) 7 years old 7) A page wore... a) a T-shirt and a skirt b) a skirt and a tunic c) a shirt and a tunic d) a T-shirt and a tunic

Life in the Norman times

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