1) What is williem's nationality a) Dutch b) Spanish c) French 2) williem turned to drawing to express a) His feelings b) His sadness c) Separation 3) He painted 🎨 The starry night while he was in a) The asylum b) The house 🏠 c) At his mom's 4) williem was born in a) 2000 b) 2003 c) 1853 5) was williem a fan of writings: a) George Eliot and Charles Dickens b) James Joyce c) Dostoevsky 6) what is name of his famous painting? a) the morning b) the night c) Starry night 7) Williem died of a) His suicide b) Separation c) accident 8) when did Willem died a) 2000 b) 1890 c) 2020 9) Was this amazing? a) Yes🔥  b) Yas Yas🔥🔥 c) Yas Yas Yas🔥🔥🔥

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