1) What is the main function of the digestive system? a) Breathing b) Moving the body c) Breaking down food d) Pumping blood 2) Which organ stores bile and helps digest fats? a) Stomach b) Liver c) Small intestine d) Large intestine 3) Where does digestion begin? a) Small intestine b) Stomach c) Mouth d) Esophagus 4) What is the function of saliva in the digestive process? a) Breaking down food particles b) Absorbing water c) Protecting teeth d) Breaking down carbohydrates 5) Which organ absorbs most of the nutrients from food? a) Stomach b) Small intestine c) Large intestine d) Liver 6) What is the function of the stomach in digestion? a) Absorbing nutrients b) Mixing and breaking the food c) Breaking down fats d) Filtering waste 7) Which organ helps to remove water from undigested food, forming solid waste? a) Liver b) Small intestine c) Gallbladder d) Large intestine 8) Which of the following animals has a ruminant digestive system? a) Dog b) Cow c) Cat d) Rabbit  9) What is the process by which a ruminant brings back swallowed food to the mouth for further chewing called? a) Digestion b) Absorption c) Eructation d) Rumination 10) What is the primary function of the rumen in a ruminant's digestive system? a) Absorption of nutrients b) Initial breakdown of food c) Storage of food d) Final digestion of food

Digestive System-Reinforcement

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