1) My mom cut a ________ of cake. a) peace b) piece 2) I ________ a message to my gran. a) sent b) scent 3) I ate a _______. a) pair b) pear 4) I went on a ________ to Cape Town. a) plain b) plane 5) I usesd _______ to bake a cake a) flower b) flour 6) I bought a _______ of shoes. a) pair b) pear 7) I love the ______ of a rose. a) scent b) sent 8) The bird ______ through the trees. a) flu b) flew 9) The sky is _____.  a) blew b) blue 10) I have to _____ in line. a) wait b) weight 11) My garden has such a pretty _________.  a) flower b) flour 12) I go to school 5 days a _________. a) weak b) week 13) I _______ 3 brownies. a) ate b) eight 14) I _______ with my ears. a) here b) hear 15) We are going to _____ for lunch tomorrow.  a) meet b) meat


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