1) Name 4 exolanets  a) kepler 62-e b) geliese 667C c c) kepler 46 d) HD 40307 e) gelwesie 6dcg4 f) taiu ceti e* 2) What is the name of the black hole in the centre of the milky way? a) sagitarrius b* b) saggitarius a* c) saggitarius a 3) What is the nearest star to us? a) 27 senate b) bernards star c) proxima santauri 4) which is Neptune ? a) b) c) 5) Do we know if the universe is gonna end? a) yes b) no c) idk 6) what happened so the universe is created a) big bang b) large bang c) big banger d) big gang 7) what is the densest object in the universe a) black hole b) neutron star c) red giant 8) how many confirmed exolanets are there? a) infinate b) 5,500 c) 890,564,000,000 9) who is the scientist that 62 planets were named after him a) kepler b) kebler c) gallelio 10) speed of light🤔 a) 300 000 000 m / s b) 299 793 458 m/s c) 299 792 458 m / s 11) look at the sun ,do you see it as it is rn a) Yes b) No 12) how are black holes formed? a) we don't know b) 2 neutron stars emerging c) small stars emerging 13) how many dwarf planets are there a) 4 b) 13 c) 12 d) 8 e) 65 f) 23 14) Is the universe's expanding constantly accelerating? a) b) 15) Fraction of steel in mercury a) 1 over 4 b) 3 over 4 c) 1 over 8 16) most common gas in the universe a) hydrogen b) oxygen c) CO2 17) largest object in the universe  a) the universe itself😅 b) largest exoplanet c) saggitarius a* 18) between which planets is the asteroid belt a) mars and jupiter b) mars and venus c) earth and mars 19) name 3 galaxies a) Andromeda b) Sombero c) cat eye d) Sletar. 2 e) genise 56 f) gylive tt6 20) Name one nubula a) FGH 349 b) DRF 345 c) NGC 6571 21) how many moons does Jupiter have a) 41 b) 62 c) 95 22) how many moons does mercury have a) 0 b) 12 c) 3 23) why can't mercury have moons a) its too small b) just no reason c) its made of metals 24) which is makemake a) b) c) 25) which is haumea a) b) c) 26) what is an astroid a) random rocks b) broken planets c) both answers 27) how many planets are there in the solar system a) 9 b) 8 c) 7 d) 6 e) 10 f) 0 28) how old is the universe  a) 13.787 billion years b) 13.789 billion c) 13.8 billion d) 7.8 billion e) 14 billion 29) how old is earth a) 4.897 billion b) 3.980 billion c) 4.543 billion 30) how old Is the solar system  a) 4.571 billion b) 4.675 billion 31) can us see Andromeda from here a) yes b) no 32) what are the chances of you getting born a) 1 out of 400 billion b) 1 out of 400 trillion 33) is pluto a planet a) yes b) no 34) Is pluto red a) no b) yes 35) bonus: is "wow" a thing a) yes b) no

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