1) One hundred ninety a) 109 b) 119 c) 1090 d) 190 2) There are...........cupboards in the kitchen. a) a b) any c) some d) an 3) There...........table in the kithen. a) are b) is 4) Jak napisać zdanie? Mój kot jest naprawdę mały i miły. a) My cat is really small and kind. b) My cat is small. c) My cet are small and happy.  d) My cet is very clever. 5) There aren't ........... bed in the living room. a) a b) any c) some d) an 6) There is..........lap in the bedroom. a) a b) any c) some d) an 7) There is........apple in the fridge. a) a b) any c) some d) an

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