1) What is diversity? a) Mong people  b) Diversity refers to the variety of ages, races, languages ​​and religions that exist among people. c) Races  d) Language  e) Religions f) The students 2) Why can diversity be a problem for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners? a) Diversity refers to the variety of ages, races.  b) They must select a book  c) Help all students improve their English.  d) Because sometimes a single textbook is used for the entire class, which may be too easy for some and too difficult for others. e) None f) All 3) What should teachers do when choosing a textbook for an EFL class? a) Help all students improve their English. b) They must select a book appropriate for the middle level of the class. c) They must select a book d) students e) None f) All of the above 4) How do some EFL students feel in class and why? a) Some students are very shy and do not want to speak for fear of making mistakes. b) They think they speak English well c) Help all students improve their English, d) Diversity refers to the variety of ages, races e) None f) All of the above 5) What characterizes other EFL learners who are not shy? a) Help all students improve their English, b) They think they speak English well, but they make a lot of mistakes and talk too much in class. c) They think they speak English well d) They must select a book e) None f) All of the above 6) What effect does diversity have on learning English in the classroom? a) Help all students improve their English. b) Diversity refers to the variety of ages.  c) They must select a book d) It causes some students to be happy and others unhappy, and not all of them learn much English. e) None f) All of the above 7) What solution is proposed to help EFL learners with different levels? a) It causes some students to be happy and others unhappy b) They think they speak English well c) They must select a book  d) None e) Use special textbooks for different levels of EFL learners. f) All of the above 8) What challenge do teachers face with shy EFL students? a) They must select a book b) Diversity refers to the variety of ages, races, c) They need to find ways to encourage them to speak and participate without fear of making mistakes d) Help all students improve their English, e) None f) All of the above 9) What benefit do specialized textbooks have for EFL learners? a) They must select a book b) Diversity refers to the variety of ages, races, c) Help all students improve their English, d) All of the above e) None f) They allow each student to have the most appropriate book for their individual level. 10) What is the main goal of teachers in managing diversity in the EFL class? a) Help all students improve their English, regardless of their skill level or confidence. b) Diversity c) students d) Diversity refers to the variety of ages. e) None f) All of the above


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